Last week, we introduced various tax credit and/or tax incentive programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Now let us take a look at one of our neighboring states: Maryland.
The following are tax credit or tax incentive programs that could be applicable to your business:
Job Creation Tax Credit: Companies are provided with a credit against either corporate or individual income tax, insurance premium tax, or public service company franchise tax based on the newly created qualifying jobs created by qualifying businesses.
Informational Link: http://www.taxes.marylandtaxes.com/Resource_Library/Tax_Publications/Business_Tax_Credits
Enterprise Zone Tax Credit: Real property and state income tax credits for newly created jobs and investments in pre-designated “Maryland enterprise zones.
Informational Link: http://www.business.maryland.gov/fund/programs-for-businesses/enterprise-zone-tax-credit
One Maryland Tax Credit: This tax credit program delves into one of the following categories.
Informational Link: http://www.business.maryland.gov/fund/programs-for-businesses/one-maryland-tax-credit
Research and Development (R & D) Tax Credit: An income tax credit for qualified research and development expenses, incurred in Maryland, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code § 41 (b).
Informational Link: http://www.business.maryland.gov/fund/programs-for-businesses/research-and-development-tax-credit
Biotechnology Investment Tax Credit: A refundable income tax credit for early investments in Maryland biotechnology company; investors are able to receive credits worth $250,000 per year for each qualified biotechnology company they invest in.
Informational Link: http://www.business.maryland.gov/fund/programs-for-businesses/bio-tax-credit
Cyber Security Investment Incentive Tax Credit: A unique income tax credit as the credit is provided to qualifying cyber security companies that secure investments from investors; furthermore, the credit is refundable—if a qualifying firm has no Maryland income tax liability in the year the credit is secured, a refund will be generated.
Informational Link: http://www.business.maryland.gov/fund/programs-for-businesses/cyber-tax-credit
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